Digital Marketing Agency Cold Calling Script

Hi there

This is (name) calling from SEARA digital agency, regarding marketing of your business, may I please speak to the owner or manager?

Hi there, this is (name) calling from SEARA digital agency or continue if it's the owner-

SEARA is providing free reports for any business looking to increase their customers, we have seen your business and we really think we can provide some strategies to drastically improve your presence and awareness which will increase your clientel!

If they ask what your want in return, say it's to help the local businesses and if my free strategies helped you in any way, just give me a testimonial for my website.

If they ask what you do- we provide all sorts of digital marketing, SEO, web development and social media management

Book meeting with me for anytime after midday except Friday( anytime after 3pm)

Great, I will send you a reminder, what is the best number to be contacted by?


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