5 Simplest Side Hustles to Start and Earn Your First $ in the Next 7 Days


We are at the end of 2023, and if you still don’t have any side hustle, you are at a loss. If you still haven't earned your $1 online, then it's the right time to jump into it.

Here, I'll discuss 5 side hustles that are very easy to start and can definitely earn your first $ in the next 7 days.

So challenge yourself and make it happen!

Freelance writing is my favorite side hustle, and it's the easiest way to make money. You have to work for your respective clients and earn money by giving your time.

To start a freelance writing side hustle you've to build a portfolio in G-drive or Canva. Create a LinkedIn profile and start creating content. To get clients, go to LinkedIn and search for hiring content writers' posts, and you’ll get many posts on LinkedIn. Reach out to the potential client and grab the opportunity.

Maybe the best side hustle if you have knowledge in any area. Although I haven't tried consulting yet. The reason is I'm not comfortable with calls, but if you are someone who loves to help others with your experience. This side hustle is for you.

Create a profile on Topmate and start your consulting services. To get customers, you just have to add CTA in every post.

Most creators will suggest this, and I, too, trust this. eBooks are very easy to create and sell like crazy.

You have to keep your content top-notch and sell the ebook with your expertise. You can write an ebook on any topic you’re interested in.

Here are the steps to create an ebook.

  • Choose any niche and topic
  • Draft the outline
  • Write the ebook by yourself
  • Edit in Canva and design the cover
  • Sell it on different platforms like Gumroad and Amazon KDP

This one is also my favorite; digital products take very little time to build, and you can sell as many copies as you can without any investment.

You can create digital products on anything. Even the simplest ideas list can turn into digital products. So, create a digital product that you think has demand in the market.

Very easy to make, you can create the printable on Canva and then sell it on Etsy. No extra promotion is needed. Etsy already has a big audience for printables. So, create your printable and then list it on Etsy.

You can promote it to Pinterest for the best outcome.

That is it for today.

Are you ready to start a side hustle?

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