Real Estate Phone Call Script





"Hello, this is [your name] with Haven REI.”

“I'm wondering if [homeowner's name] is available?” or “May I speak with [homeowner]?”

Once the person is on the phone or if they ask what you want, say:

"Hello, [homeowner]. As I said, my name is [your name] with Haven REI. My partners and I were looking to buy several homes in [town/city] this month and we were particularly interested in your area."

At this point, they will either end the call abruptly, saying they are not interested, or they will show some interest and be willing to remain on the line. If they say they are interested, you say:

“That’s great. How long have you lived at [property address]?” (make notes for my follow-up call)

Ask the questions below. Allow them to talk for a bit and make note of their answers. You don’t have to ask all of them, just the ones that are in bold.



“If you don’t mind me asking, is there a reason you’re considering selling?”

“If I could make you an offer today, or in the next couple of days, what would it be?”

"What issues are you facing right now that you think I might be able to help with?”

"How long have you been thinking of selling?”

“What has made you hold off on selling?"

"If you don't sell, what will you do?

"In the ideal situation, when would you want to move?"

"We can close on your timeline. How soon would you like to sell?"

"Based on what you've learned so far, do you think we could be a viable solution for you?"

"When do you need a solution for this?"

"Have you tried to solve this problem in the past? If so, why didn't that solution work?”


If they say they are in financial trouble, move onto the next group of questions. You only have to ask the questions that apply to their situation. For instance, if they say they are facing foreclosure, ask how much they owe and how much time they have left. You should ask the questions in bold in most cases.


"Is there a mortgage to pay off when you sell it?

“Is it current?"

“When will you be foreclosed on?”

"What is the condition of the house?"

“Have you done any repairs on the roof? Air conditioning? Windows/doors? Kitchen/ bathrooms?”

"When were the upgrades done?"

"What other options are you thinking of? "

If they ask you at any point in the call what we do, say:

"Haven REI and its partners can pay you cash for your home, including closing costs. You pick your closing date, and you wouldn’t need to do any repairs, or pay a real estate agent’s commission”



“I’m going to provide your information to my boss, Karla, who will the numbers and determine an offer on your property.” When would be a good time for her to call you back during the week?” [whatever timeframe is appropriate, never more than 48hours]. Once you have the date/time confirm the best phone number. “Let me give you her phone number in case you have any questions before then.” “Her number is111-222-3333 and her name is Karla (Aguinaga if they ask for my last name).


At this point, I’ll use the info you obtained on repairs and improvements on the property to come up with the offer range we can provide the seller with on the property.

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