How to Make Money on Medium (Without Stripe Account)

So i live in a county where Stripe is not available so i was trying to find out how can i earn money from Medium without a stripee account.

A lot of people don’t realize you can actually earn money from Medium without the medium partner program ot without the stripe account in your county .today i am sharing about how to make money writing on medium without using stripe .I'm sharing this for two reasons the first reason is there are a lot of people who based on where they live they don’t qualify for stripe which means that they can’t get money through the medium partner program normally on medium which is a blogging platform you write a story a paying member reads it and you earn a little bit of income you earn a portion of their monthly membership fee this is a great system and it works really well for people who live in the 44 countries supported by stripe.

If you don’t live in those it kind of sucks because of course you have valuable things to say you have a lot of words that are worth being paid to write just like the rest of us but there’s just not that opportunity for you at the moment that’s the first reason i really believe that everybody deserves to be paid for their writing no matter where they live or what they’re writing about if you can find an audience who cares about what you have to say you deserve to earn money writing the second reason is that a lot of people believe that the best way to make money on medium is to go viral on medium start earning money through the media member program that is a great way to get income but it’s really hard it is actually a lot easier and a lot more financially rewarding if you use medium as a vehicle to make money in other places this artical is not going to be a way to like circumvent the stripe problem i think there are a few ways to do that but i’m not going to talk about those because they’re a good way to get banned from medium altogether i’m instead going to talk about how to make money without using stripe but still writing on medium i recommend that everybody signs up to medium whether or not stripe is allowed in your country why a lot of reasons primarily stripe is growing in the numbers of countries they allowed i know they’re thinking about adding india to the list of allowed countries and guess what if you are already on medium if you already know how it works if you already have an audience of followers publications that allow you to write their stories topics that you know that you write really really well in you’re going to have a much easier time making money versus everybody who waits until stripe is allowed in their country if they wait until that moment to start riding on medium you’re going to be competing with literally everybody else who has the same great idea i recommend that you open a medium account because i think stripe will one day support most countries if you already have a medium presence when that happens you’ll be in a much better position to get going on that

The second reason there are other ways to make money on medium that don’t include the medium partner program that’s the simplest one with that one all you have to do is write and the money comes into your pockets or your stripe account as the case may be but there are other ways to make money on medium too i’m going to talk about three first use it to sell your own services

If you want to make money on medium you can probably make money writing full stop you don’t have to fight with upwork or fiverr to find contracts instead you want to write articles on medium post them and at the bottom of those articles let people know that they can they can hire you to do freelance work so whatever your field is write articles that you think a company would pay you to write just publish them on medium and then what happens is whether they’re medium readers themselves or whether you sort of get picked up on google which i did this without knowing anything about seo just because medium has a really high domain authority so if you write stuff on medium it’s just slightly more likely to rank on google without needing to do any work you’re going to be found by people who need writers medium has a huge readership and especially if you get into the right publications you can access a targeted readership of people who probably need your writing skills so i earn a lot of money through freelance writing i’ve never well i’ve sent a lot of pitches i haven’t sent a single successful pitch in my life all my clients come to me and one of the ways that they find me is through my medium articles

So now when i write an article i have a process if i’m using it to try to like fish for clients i do a lot of research i’m trying to determine what article they want what keywords they’re trying to rank for and i write that article and then at the bottom i say hey my name is Max i’m open for freelance business you can contact me here or you can do like sean curran does he has a just a link in his bio saying open to gigs contact him here so you can get a huge audience on medium without earning a penny from the partner program but still earn tons of money because you’re being hired by freelance writers don’t fight with upwork and fiverr because you’re gonna be fighting with people who charge half as much as you and have 10 times more reviews than you instead advertise your services on medium by just showing off your amazing portfolio and find readers.

The second way is to use it as an seo buff for your own blog if you’re writing on medium you should have your own blog and your medium blog and you should be cross-promoting as often as possible so i do this with my blog Tech Guy the way i make money through that is by selling my services but maybe you have adsense enabled on yours what you should do is write it first on your personal blog and then cross-promote it on medium because medium has that really high domain authority we talked about it means when you publish on your own blog and cross-post it onto medium your blog is gonna piggyback on medium’s super high domain authority signal and you’re gonna be much more likely to rank on google for your own blog i’ve done this tons of times with my own blog so i know it works

That’s the way that you can use medium to just increase your audience start promoting your newsletter start promoting your blog you can also use it as a way like whether you want to funnel traffic to your own site or whether you want to just start promoting some of the services or skills that you offer.

Co for example Michael Thompson fantastic writer he works a lot with CEOs he coaches them and one way that he makes money is he just says a little line at the bottom of his medium article saying hey say hi on linkedin and that has got him a ton of clients purely because that call to action they click on it they say hi on linkedin they chat and he ends up being hired by them as a coach consultant it can be that easy you can use medium’s audience without earning money from the partner program.

The third i’m going to talk about is affiliate links so this is not something that i’ve had a huge amount of success with myself yet because the writing that i do isn’t really about affiliate links .

Of the way that you can do that i know it sucks and it’s unfair that medium currently doesn’t allow people from two-thirds of the world the world’s countries to earn money through the medium partner program but a i believe that’s going to change it’s better now to create a medium account start writing it’s a steep learning curve if you start now you’re going to be so much better placed when they finally do open it up to your country and everybody else joins at the same time start now start building your audience but that doesn’t mean that you have to be writing for free it just means you have to be a little bit more creative about where your money’s coming from you can use it as a way to sell your writing services you can use it as a way to promote your blog or any products that you have or any other call to action and you can use it as a way to boost your income through affiliate links if you’re the kind of person who writes reviews is trying out different products it’s a travel blogger i think everybody’s going to benefit from this artical not just people who can’t currently access stripe it is a fantastic platform like medium is so good it’s the best place to be writing online no matter where you’re from you will be able to find an audience if you do a little bit of research and a little bit of legwork and if you have something to say and you’re willing to say it medium is the best place on the internet.

That’s how to make money writing on medium without using stripe it’s possible i do it. You can do it i know lots of other people can do it it only requires you to really love writing and to be willing to look outside the box for income sources.

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